20 Voices, One Pulse: A Song For Dru


14741086_10153799000806861_357523097_nAs many of you know, one of our writers “Thoughtblocking” was tragically killed in the Pulse Orlando shooting.  I am currently raising funds for a music compilation to benefit NAMI,  a cause that was near and dear to him.

Please take time to stop by the Facebook page and read more about the Compilation and contribute if you can.


Thank you,



The Dubsism PBS-Style “Pledge Drive”


pbs logo

PBS…the Public Broadcasting System….that same bunch of electronic communists who brought you great stuff like Sesame Street, Mister Rogers Neighborhood, and the McLaughlin Group, then fucked it all up by turning the Cookie Monster into a vegetarian.

Yes, that same PBS, who a few times a year pretend like they don’t get a shitload of government money and beg you for donations.  You can always tell when they’re doing it because they take off the Lawrence Welk reruns your grandmother loves and replace them with three-hour specials from James Taylor, Peter, Paul, and Mary, and other crap intended to suck money out of the pockets of aging hippies.

And now, we here at Dubsism are here to do the same thing…except, we aren’t begging for money.

What we are begging for is ratings, likes, follows, and shares.  It may not seem like a big deal, but clicking on the ratings stars, clicking…

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The Dubsism PBS-Style “Pledge Drive”


pbs logo

PBS…the Public Broadcasting System….that same bunch of electronic communists who brought you great stuff like Sesame Street, Mister Rogers Neighborhood, and the McLaughlin Group, then fucked it all up by turning the Cookie Monster into a vegetarian.

Yes, that same PBS, who a few times a year pretend like they don’t get a shitload of government money and beg you for donations.  You can always tell when they’re doing it because they take off the Lawrence Welk reruns your grandmother loves and replace them with three-hour specials from James Taylor, Peter, Paul, and Mary, and other crap intended to suck money out of the pockets of aging hippies.

And now, we here at Dubsism are here to do the same thing…except, we aren’t begging for money.

What we are begging for is ratings, likes, follows, and shares.  It may not seem like a big deal, but clicking on the ratings stars, clicking…

View original post 198 more words

The Dubsism PBS-Style “Pledge Drive”


pbs logo

PBS…the Public Broadcasting System….that same bunch of electronic communists who brought you great stuff like Sesame Street, Mister Rogers Neighborhood, and the McLaughlin Group, then fucked it all up by turning the Cookie Monster into a vegetarian.

Yes, that same PBS, who a few times a year pretend like they don’t get a shitload of government money and beg you for donations.  You can always tell when they’re doing it because they take off the Lawrence Welk reruns your grandmother loves and replace them with three-hour specials from James Taylor, Peter, Paul, and Mary, and other crap intended to suck money out of the pockets of aging hippies.

And now, we here at Dubsism are here to do the same thing…except, we aren’t begging for money.

What we are begging for is ratings, likes, follows, and shares.  It may not seem like a big deal, but clicking on the ratings stars, clicking…

View original post 198 more words

The Ugly Reality of Your NFL Team In One Sentence


nfl bullshit leagueWith the NFL season just around the corner, it’s time for another two-fisted Dubsism rundown as to why your favorite team is a steaming pile of bullshit on whole wheat toast.  Since your team eats ass, I’m not going to waste everybody’s time explaining why.  They say brevity is the soul of wit, and what could be more brevity-er than boiling your team’s bullshit down to one sentence?

Arizona Cardinals: This team is on the same schedule as Haley’s Comet; once every 76 years the Cardinals don’t suck.

Atlanta Falcons: Instead of paying Matt Ryan over $100 million, you could have given Tim Tebow a bag of recyclable cans and got the same result.

Baltimore Ravens: The fact Ray Lewis has two Super Bowl rings stabs at the heart of all that is decent.

Buffalo Bills: It’s “Play-offs or Bust” in Buffalo…who’s got their house payment on “play-offs?” (cricket…

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